Salina specialities
The principle reason why many visit Italy is for the food. The dining has to be among the best, if not the best, in the world. In every Italian region you can explore typical cuisine and local wine. The Aeolian cooking is strictly related to its marine tradition. A mixed of natural local herbs (wild fennel, wild arugula, dandelion etc.)are used to enhance flavours.
Fresh local Fish: squid (calamari/totani) with potatoes, sword fish, scorpion fish, grouper , prawns, and lobster
Pasta: seasoned with local herbs and capers, fresh tomatoes & olives
Meat: meatballs with potatoes, chicken seasoned with lemon, meatballs with sweet and sour sauce
Sweets: Malvasia of Salina - a sweet dessert wine considered one of the best in the world/granita (a semi-frozen treat) come locally grown: fig, mint, almond, lemon and blood orange
The food is so fresh that at noon you might be told there is no menu “because we don’t know what we’re getting in tonight”.
Where to eat
Il Delfino Restaurant
Marina Garibaldi street, 5 - Santa Marina Salina - Lingua
Tel. +39 090 9843024
N'ni Lausta Restaurant
Risorgimento street, 88 - S. Marina Salina
Tel. +39 090 9843486
A' Cannata Restaurant
Umberto I° street, 1 - Santa Marina Salina - Lingua
Tel. +39 090 9843161
Da Alfredo Restaurant Pizzeria
Marina Garibaldi street, 20 - Santa Marina Salina - Lingua
Tel. +39 090 9843307 / +39 090 9843075
Porto Bello Restaurant
Lungomare street - Santa Marina Salina
Tel. +39 090 9843125
La Vela Restaurant
Risorgimento street, 139 - Santa marina Salina
Tel. +39 090 9843541